Below are the list of courses I am currently taking as well as ones that I have previously taken.
Currently, I am taking:
- Software Engineering (COM SCI 130)
- Compiler Construction (COM SCI 132)
- (Group Theory) Algebra (MATH 110B)
- Philosophy of Computation (PHILOS C128)
Past (UCLA)
Previously, I have taken (in no particular order):
- (Real) Analysis (MATH 131A)
- Operating Systems (COM SCI 111)
- (Ring Theory) Algebra (MATH 110A)
- Software Construction (COM SCI 35L)
- Programming Languages (COM SCI 131)
- Data Management Systems (COM SCI 143)
- (Proof-based) Linear Algebra (MATH 115A)
- Computer Systems Architecture (ECE M116C)
- Computer Network Fundamentals (COM SCI 118)
- Logic Design of Digital Systems (COM SCI M51A)
- Introduction to Computer Graphics (COM SCI 174A)
- Deep Learning and Neural Networks (EC ENGR C147)
- Fundamentals of Artificial Intelligence (COM SCI 161)
- Introductory Digital Design Laboratory (COM SCI M152A)
- Introduction to Algorithms and Complexity (COM SCI 180)
- Experimental Courses in Engineering Ethics (ENGR 188EW)
- Introduction to Finance and Marketing for Engineers (ENGR 111)
- Introduction to Probability and Statistics for Engineers (C&EE 110)
- Introduction to Formal Languages and Automata Theory (COM SCI 181)
Past (IVC/Saddleback)
Major courses:
- C Programming (CS 36)
- Java Programming (CS 38)
- Data Structures and Algorithms (CS 1D)
- General Physics I/II/III (PHYS 4A/B/C)
- Introduction to Computer Systems (CS 1)
- Introduction to Linear Algebra (MATH 26)
- Elementary Differential Equations (MATH 24)
- (Calculus III) Analytical Geometry (MATH 4A)
- Discrete Mathematics I/II (CS 6A/B or MATH 30/31)
- Introduction to Computer Science I/II/III (CS 1A/B/C)
- Computer Organization and Assembly Language I/II (CS 40A/B)
- College Writing II (WR 2)
- Music Appreciation (MUS 20)
- Life Sciences/Lab (BIO 1/1L)
- Honors Film & US Culture (FILM 72H)
- Communication Fundamentals (COMM 1H)
- Honors Introduction to Psychology (PSYCH 1H)
- Honors Academic, Career, Life Counseling (COUN 6H)