I am currently a 4th year at UCLA studying Computer Science and Mathematics. Broadly, I love the field of computer science, from deep learning to systems architecture, and everything in between. More specifically, I am interested in solving real world problems with software. My love for problem-solving is the driving force behind my academic journey here at UCLA. With a strong foundation in both disciplines, I am on track to earn my B.S. degree in Computer Science in June 2024.
Fun Facts
- My favorite programming language is C.
- My preferred Linux distribution is Arch Linux (btw).
- I gave a guest lecture on Red-Black trees for Professor Carey Nachenberg's data structures class!
- My text editor of choice is Neovim. It used to be Emacs, which I still use occasionally, but it couldn't handle large files.
- I typically typeset everything in LaTeX since I think it looks neat. It's gotten to the point where I am more comfortable writing in LaTeX than I am in Google Docs or Microsoft Word.
- I love to climb! I have been climbing for a little over 2 years now, climbing up to and including a V10 indoors and V8 outdoors. I have only climbed outdoors twice (both times to Joshua Tree), so I don't have too many outdoor projects. Some notable climbs I've sent are Chili Sauce (V7), Strawberry Contraceptives (V7) and Mulligan Variation (V8). Check out my climbing journey here!
- I enjoy playing the guitar (mostly fingerstyle) and making music! I have written a couple of songs and arranged several covers, some of which I have filmed.
- I love to hike/backpack; short day hikes, long backpacking trips, and anything in between. Notable hikes I have done are Mt. Baldy, Cucamonga Peak, and Mt. Whitney.